
Yoga is a Science

The science of Yoga was developed thousands of years ago in order to assist people to find contentment in the present moment, and it involves all aspects of the human being.

These include;


There are five main restraints

  1. Violence
  2. Untruthfulness
  3. Stealing
  4. Wasting energy
  5. Greed & Possessiveness

When we avoid these behaviors, we find it easier to be at peace with ourselves


This involves:

  • Cleanliness
  • Contentment
  • Discipline
  • Self study
  • Surrendering to a higher power ( in other words, to have a spiritual inclination; though it is not specified which path should be followed, this is personal)

When we follow these observances we find it easier to feel self fulfilled.


This is the physical practice of yoga; strengthening and stretching every muscle and every joint complex in order to help us achieve a balance between strength and flexibility in the various muscles and to nourish each joint in the body every day.

These joints are nourished by synovial fluid that is released through movement. Inactivity in a joint can cause this fluid to dry up which may result in arthritis and pain.

There is however so much more complexity involved. As we go through the practices of twisting, strengthening, squeezing and stretching our bodies we massage every internal organ and in turn stretch the transportation systems (arteries, veins and nerves) leading in and out of the organs improving the efficiency of pumping oxygen to our organs and removing toxins and waste from the organs also ensuring that the central nervous system, our bodies very important communication system, is operating at its full potential.

When our bodies are unwell, in pain and feel blocked it is difficult to feel joyful too. However when our bodies are fit, healthy, pain free and all our systems are communicating clearly, it’s so much easier to feel positive, happy and energized.


On every inhalation, we breathe fresh oxygen into the body, nourishing it, and on every exhalation, we expel stale air and toxins out the body, cleansing it.

Deep breathing is super beneficial to the health of our lungs, heart and every organ and cell in the body, and in turn to our sense of well being.

However it is also a gateway to the next step:


This involves training the mind to withdraw from what is happening around us and to focus on being still.
As a starting point we can bring the mind to focus on our breath (which we can do automatically without thinking about it), in doing this we can turn the mind off and prevent thoughts that lead to worrying, judging, overthinking, planning, conniving, analyzing,assuming… (basically thoughts about matters that we have no control of in the present moment), yet sometimes we allow these thoughts to have a deep impact on our present state of mind.

The simple understanding and recognition that we are in control of our thoughts and not vice versa can be a life changer, recognizing that no matter what is happening around us we have the choice and the power to not let it affect us.

This is the ultimate state of bliss that we all strive for.

When we have refrained from negative behaviors, dedicated our lives to self care, our evolution and higher purpose (you may call it God), physically ensured every organ, muscle, nerve, artery, vein, tendon, cell is as healthy as it can be, nourished our bodies with fresh oxygen and learnt to control and direct our thoughts to a positive state of being … we can exist in a state of equilibrium a state of pure contentment.

This is the science of Yoga

Having a healthy body, mind and spirit (outlook on life and inner peace) has far reaching effects and benefits not only the self, but society and the planet as a whole.

Maria Tasioulas Taylor

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